Sunday, May 11, 2014


Inspired by the success of kiteboarding, many traditional sailors are trying to convert to the higher powered suspended sails.  The word "kite" to describe these sails is a bit misleading.  The kite of kiteboarding is essentially a suspended, curved sail.  It's curved shape is an efficient and stable flying wing, which can be maneuvered into the most ideal positions to catch wind.  Traditional mast sails are more limited, and also sit much lower to the water where wind is often the least strong.   A kite sail is a suspended sail, capturing more wind, more efficiently, and thus, the strong interest to adapt them to larger sailing craft.

Several inovators are testing new solutions to attach these sails to larger craft.  Yvez Parlier is exploring many industrial, and well as recreational applications for boat mounted kites.  Read more about his at his site Beyond the Sea.

Kai Concepts is aggessively moving forward with designs in the San Francisco bay area. Read more at their webiste here.  

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